Tips to parents to develop patience 


– By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology


We love our young children but they can be a lot of work. During their early childhood, the demands of their upbringing can be sometimes taxing. Their cute questions may turn exhausting. Dealing with their tantrums may become seemingly impossible. However, it is very important to remember that they are just kids and that they are facing the pains of growing-up and we as adults must not lose our patience at least most of the times. Here are some tips to gain composure and remain calm, for parents in trying times.

  • Breathe and Relax: Before responding or reacting to your children, take a moment to breathe and center yourself. Tell yourself to wait if you notice your body tensing up or your heart starting to beat when you start to get frustrated. Take a five- count inhale and hold it for an additional five seconds. Gently exhale. As you do this, consciously relax your muscles. You could be taken aback by how much calmer you feel. Taking a minute to breathe slowly also gives you time to connect with your thoughts, which will help you respond calmly. If it calms you, repeat a word as you take deep breaths. You might simply say to yourself “I love my child.”
  • Never resort to physical violence: As tempting as it may be, avoid spanking, hitting, throwing and shaking at all costs. Avoid yelling and loud scolding too.
  • Step away for a moment if possible:  Take a short break to calm down and think before you react. If you’re struggling to remain patient, it’s completely fine to take a short break. Say something like, “Let’s meet after 5 minutes, and then we’ll discuss your situation.” If you are stepping away from a young child, leave her in the hands of a responsible adult first.
  • Practice patience: The more you practice being patient, the easier it gets. If you make a conscious effort to be calmer in your interactions with everyone, you’ll find it a lot easier to be patient with your child. For example, if you’re stuck behind a slow driver, you might say, “Gosh, we’re going slow. Oh well, at least we’ve got more time to enjoy the music.”
  • Spend time having fun with your kids: Relax and enjoy time together to reduce your frustration with each other.  Make a point of spending a little time every day just enjoying each other’s company. You might make simple cooking, play interesting games together, read a story to your child or allow them to choose an activity. If you don’t have a lot of time to schedule fun activities, don’t worry, simple things can be fun too. Make the most of the time you do have, even if it’s just spending a few minutes listening to music or reading a book together when you get home from work.
  • Set aside time for self-care: Do things that make you feel rested, healthy and happy. As a parent, we maybe place our children’s needs first, most frequently without looking after ourselves. It’s important to practice self-care so you have the energy and enthusiasm to care for your children. Get plenty of sleep since feeling rested can help you have patience. Eat nutritious food so you feel your best.  Spending time with your partner or friends is another important aspect of self-care. Make plans to get out with other adults occasionally since you could find that you become crankier when you haven’t spent time away from your children in a while.
  • Count to 10: Close your eyes, take deep breaths and count to 10. This is one of the oldest yet most effective calming-down techniques that is still recommended and practiced widely.
  • Forgive yourself: Occasionally, we all lose our patience. If you do, it is okay. Forgive yourself, reflect on it and be better the next time.



How to deal with phone addiction in Kids?


 By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel

Let me start this discussion with a quote by Gordon B. Hinckley: Encourage your children to read more and watch television less”.

The Times of India, a news publication, recently published a two-part series about how children’s addiction to online gaming is turning them into criminals. In one instance, a child stole Rs 4.5 lakh from his family to pay for the game, while in the other, the child killed his own mother. According to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, instances involving children’s psychological health have significantly increased (NIMHANS). Despite the worry surrounding these challenges, we can raise them with optimism if we take responsible action.

Here are some helpful suggestions to help your child de-addict from television and phone:

Take this acronym “ADDICTION” to be the answer to move children to safety zone offline.

A for Attitude: When parents at home start to adopt a new attitude, kids will soon follow. Be a role-model yourself which you want your kids to emulate.

D for Disconnect: Disconnect from devices and increase interaction with people for work and play. Spend time at home, with each other more and less with phones and devices.

D for Distance: Distance your children from devices. Shut off the TV in the background. Keep the phones out of sight.

I for Imbibe books: Imbibe the practice of reading printed books rather than e-books. Prefer books over cartoons.

C for Communication: Communicate with your children more.  Interact with your friends face to face more.

T for Target: Have a target of zero phone time for children under 18 months, and 15 minutes per day for children under 4 years. Thereafter, no more than an hour of time with devices including TV, Computer and Phone, for up to 6 years of age.

I for Invite: Invite your child’s friends to play physical games outdoors.

O for Oxygen: The much needed oxygen intake increases when you engage in activities outdoors. Walk, run and enjoy the outdoors.

N for No: Say NO to devices during eating & sleep time, firmly.

Avoiding phones and devices is the best practice. During the times that you must use devices, pay attention to keeping your children away from fast moving images and harmful content. The latter can be achieved by certain child safety settings on your phones and devices. Consider going offline before giving the devices to your kids under 6 years. That will also help reduce the exposure to radiation.



Tips to soothe a crying child


By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology.


As children become older, they cry less. children cry when they are irritated, tired, not comfortable, having pain, angry or in distress. Make sure your kid isn’t sick or harmed before you ask them to stop crying. Find out the cause of your child’s distress and how you can help.

Types of cries

Infants typically cry for food when they wake simply because they are hungry. Your infant’s cry for food could become a loud cry if you don’t respond right away. You’ll notice the difference. The baby’s cries will get louder, stronger, and more persistent as she gets older.

Infants and older kids my cry out of hunger, hurt, over-stimulation, sleep deprivation or simply because they are upset about something. Look for the reason behind their cry first.

Ways to calm down a crying child

  • Rocking in a rocking chair or in your arms as you sway from side to side. The calming response is triggered in a child’s brain when being carried or rocked, causing the child’s heart rate to slow and the muscles to become more relaxed,
  • Softly massaging her head or patting her back or chest
  • Singing or talking
  • Playing soft music
  • Staying close and calm. It is important that your child knows that you are still there and with her; this might be by giving her a soothing hug, saying something or reassuring them in a gentle voice or keeping eye contact with the child. A soothing touch and reassuring voice go a long way. They are a better way to stop a child’s cry than scolding her.
  • Taking your child for a short walk. Going together for a short walk can be a great activity.  Avoid conversing for at least 5 to 10 minutes while walking so that the brain can relax, release the stress hormone cortisol and get flooded with endorphins (happy hormone).Talk about and acknowledge their feelings. If your child can express her feelings with words, it can help her recognize and manage her feelings.
  • If your child is older than 2, she may be able to communicate why she’s upset. But first, take her close to you, calm her down and then gently ask what is bothering her. You may also pose questions to see if she’s hurt, hungry or sleepy.
  • Once you know the reason, assure her that you understand her feelings and calm her down. Take the remedial action such as feeding her or giving her rest. If it is something that she needs to understand, explain things to her after she calms down.



Anger management in Kids


 – By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel

My 4 year old gets angry easily. She throws things and shouts. How do I help her manage her anger? Do my kids need anger management or do I?

Let’s start our discussion with a dialogue between a Dad and his 4 year old daughter.

 Dad: Hey Dear! Do you realize what time it is? Isn’t it time to bed?  You are still digging on the mobile!

Daughter: I want to finish this game Daddy.

Dad: Do you honestly believe that that is a good excuse? 

Daughter:  Not at all–that is what I like to do now.

Dad: How many times do I have to ask you to hit the bed soon?

Daughter: Daddy I see you doing that too!

Dad:  That’s beside the point.

Daughter:  Starts crying …. (Action)

Dad:  Next time you use the phone before bed, there will be consequences.

Daughter:  Throws the mobile……… (Action)

Dad sighs with sadness and is about to scold his daughter

Let us stop the conversation between the Dad and the daughter here.

Some kids simply lose their temper from time to time, but other kids seem to remember things more negatively when things don’t go their way. The majority of the time, parents will need to provide additional support to their children to deal with their behaviour. Few would argue the fact that rage and aggression continue to rank among the most important and challenging issues faced by our society, even though official rates of aggression and violence among kids, teens and adults have decreased from their peak level.

Controlling quick reactions can be hard for young children and supporting them can be sometimes difficult for the parents. That is undoubtedly challenging. In any case, keep in mind that you’re trying to teach your children how to deal with anger. If you yell or give in, you’ll demonstrate the same behaviour you are trying to discourage. Your children will observe and witness your own incapability to deal with anger.

So, what can parents do? Here are some tips to deal with anger management issues in your child:

Handling your own irritation: Your behaviour sets an example for your child. When you handle yourself well, it will teach kids to do the same.

Directing feelings and overseeing conduct: These are abilities that foster gradually over time in parenting. Similar to several other skills, your kids should practice and learn them with your help.

Trying to be your kid’s partner: Both parents can support their children to overcome their unpleasant attitudes. Parents can partner with their kids in understanding what troubles them and what cause them to be angry, first. Then they can come up with strategies for the children to cope with their anger.

Modelling anger management: How you behave reflects on your children. When your child acts up, if you respond by screaming and shouting, that only encourages them to do the same. Be a role model in how you react towards your child’s anger and your child will learn to manage his anger better.

Making rules clear and sticking to them: Having guidelines at home is vital for a child’s development. Abiding by them is crucial too, for instance, you could say “No phones after 9pm”. Provide consequences for their actions.

Taking breaks: If you become angry or emotional, try to leave the child in another responsible adult’s hands and take some time off from the situation.

Resting: Ensure kids get sufficient rest. Rest is vital for their growth and development.

Keeping them active: Children that have strong attitudes can benefit much from dynamic play. Encourage your child’s favorite sports and outdoor activities. Let them spend their energy usefully and stimulate their intellect.

Here are some model conduct rules to try:

In our family, we don’t strike or yell in an offensive manner

  • There’s no shouting permitted.
  • You may not toss things or break things deliberately.

Most kids can learn strategies for managing their anger effectively. Talking to other adults about how they raise their children, as well as with teachers, school counsellors, and mentors, may be helpful. If the situation becomes out of hand and unnatural, your child’s primary care physician may recommend a professional counsellor.



  1. Nelson, W. M. III, Finch, A. J., Jr., & Ghee, A. C. (2012). Anger management with children and adolescents. In P. C. Kendall (Ed.), Child and adolescent therapy: Cognitive-behavioral procedures (pp. 92–139). Guilford Press
  2. Kendall, P. C. (Ed.). (2011). Child and adolescent therapy: Cognitive-behavioral procedures. Guilford Press.
  3. Rodriguez, C. M., & Green, A. J. (1997). Parenting stress and anger expression as predictors of child abuse potential. Child abuse & neglect, 21(4), 367-377.
  4. Holden, E. W., Willis, D. J., & Foltz, L. (1989). Child abuse potential and parenting stress: Relationships in maltreating parents. Psychological Assessment: A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1(1), 64.
  5. Burrell, B., Thompson, B., & Sexton, D. (1994). Predicting child abuse potential across family types. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18(12), 1039-1049.




How to deal with temper tantrums in toddlers?


Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology


Understanding how to handle children’s tantrums is crucial for parents since it will ease their stress and encourage youngsters to behave well. Temper tantrums are accepted as a typical and frequent occurrence in early childhood, and yet they frequently cause parental discomfort. They are a common reason why parents seek help for their children’s mental health. Tantrums can happen as young as twelve months old, although they most frequently happen between the ages of two and three.

Why do children throw tantrums?

A tantrum is an expression of a young child’s frustration with her restrictions or anger about not being able to get her own way. Possibly your child is having trouble figuring something out or finishing a task. Maybe your child doesn’t have the words to express his or her feelings. Frustration might cause an outburst, resulting in a temper tantrum.

If your child is hungry, tired, feeling ill, or needs a changeover, her threshold for frustration is likely to be lesser and a tantrum is more likely to occur.

When is a temper tantrum not normal?

After the age of four, it is crucial to seek professional advice and correct this behaviour if tantrum episodes become more frequent, disrupt the child’s routine, cause harm to the child or others, or include holding one’s breath to the point of fainting.

Stages of a temper tantrum

A tantrum episode can be divided into three stages and understanding these stages will help you to manage future episodes effectively.

Stage 1: Screaming, yelling, crying and whining

Stage 2: Falling on the ground, continuously screaming, stamping on the ground, rolling on the ground

Stage 3: Whining continuously

Prevention of Tantrums

  • Prevention is better than cure: Prevention is the best way to handle frequent and recurrent temper tantrums, therefore trying to alleviate common triggers of temper tantrums such as fatigue, hunger, illness or injury can be helpful.
  • Be consistent: Create a daily schedule for your child so that they know what to expect. Maintain a schedule that balances enjoyable activities with ample rest and a nutritious diet as much as you can.
  • Let your child make appropriate choices: Give your kid a say in little things. Refrain from turning down everything. Would you prefer to read a book or construct a tower out of blocks, for instance?
  • Appreciate good behaviour: Children require regular encouragement and positive reinforcement. When your child demonstrates restraint, acknowledge them. Give your child more attention when they behave nicely. When your child follows instructions, give him or her a hug or express your pride in them.
  • Make agreements: Make sure you communicate your expectations regarding their behaviour with your child. Make agreements with them regarding their demands (e., what is allowed and what is not allowed) and remind them repeatedly.

Parenting a tantrum-prone child

There are times when parents and caregivers cannot avoid a tantrum but can minimize their stress by practicing consistent management strategies. Parents must adopt certain principles to manage a child’s temper tantrum behaviour. The abbreviation R.I.D.D. can help parents and caregivers handle a typical tantrum.

  • Remain calm and act as an example: It is advantageous to take a calm, redirecting, and distracting attitude. In a normal tone, say firmly “no biting.” Explain your guidelines in a calm manner once your child has calmed down.
  • Ignore the tantrum: Some children throw tantrums to seek attention. Try ignoring the tantrum, but pay attention to your child after she calms down. Spend quality time with your child so she doesn’t have to seek attention.
  • Distract the child: Take your child to a quiet place where she can calm down safely. Speak softly or play soft music.
  • Say “yes”: Yield to a child’s demands when necessary to the child’s physical and safety needs, but resist pressure to comply at other times. If you yield every time, it could encourage undesirable conduct.

Do not use physical punishment as it may lead to tantrum behaviour that is more serious or persistent. Physical punishment teaches a child that it is acceptable to hit someone when they are angry or irritated.

Managing Tantrums based on stages

Stage 1: Screaming, yelling, crying, and whining

Move: Take the child to a different place. Take your child to a quiet place where he or she can calm down safely. Speak softly or play soft music.

Distract: Young children have a brief attention span. Use it and try to divert the child and offer something else. Involve them in a different activity and take the child away from the environment of the tantrum.

Negotiate: Provide an alternative to what the child is asking/wanting.

Stage 2: Falling to the ground, continuing to scream, stamping on the floor, and rolling on the ground

In order to prevent a child from hurting themselves, make sure that there is adequate room. Avoid focusing on or responding to the child’s attention-seeking behaviour.

Stage 3: Continues to whine

Sooth and console the child physically. The child may feel more safe and defuse a tantrum more quickly if you hold them.
Give the kid different toys or activities to try.

What if my child becomes destructive or dangerous?

If a tantrum worsens, remove your child from the situation immediately especially if it could become dangerous. Sooth her by showing tenderness and understanding. Divert her attention. Some people prefer timeouts but note that timeouts should be done in the spirit of providing a safe space to the child to calm down rather than as a punishment. If you want to impose a timeout, consider the following:

  • Timeout is not a punishment: Don’t make the child feel that timeout is a punishment. Rather, make it a safe place where she can cool down.
  • Select a timeout spot: Make your kid sit in a dull spot, like a chair in the living room or the floor in the hallway. Hold off until your child has calmed down. Show that you love and care for her. Sooth her. Consider giving your child a timeout for one minute for each year of age.
  • Stick with it: If your child starts to walk around before the timeout is over, return her to the designated timeout spot, while showing her that you care for her.
  • Know when to end the timeout: Discuss the purpose of the timeout and why the behaviour was improper with your child once they have calmed down. Go back to your regular activities after that. However, don’t overuse timeouts or they won’t be effective.

In these challenging times, make sure to create an environment of positivity at home to try to make children feel happy and relaxed. Take care of yourself too – because if you are happy, your family will be happy.



What should I do if my child cries a lot?


 – By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel

Some kids cry over minor matters, as if the world were falling apart around them. Children cry both from their heart and their eyes. To address these issues of “crying”, which may have a cause or not, we need to build a strong foundation with children on understanding their feelings when they cry. Crying is normal. But how we face our children and teaching them how to face the situations make all the difference.

As parents we experience certain feelings and emotions when our child cries. The following is a list of mindful responses to various moods and emotions, that can be used by parents. I have arranged it in an alphabetical order devised from my personal parenting experience.

Adore and show affection frequently and let your children know that you care for them.

Befriend your child and talk to them about what is troubling her.

Calm yourself down and then calm your crying child. It is important that as a parent, you don’t act up when you see your child hurt or unreasonable.

Discipline is important and if your child cries out of injustice or selfishness, teach them that their crying will not give them what they need. Do not allow them to use crying as a tool to achieve bad things.

Emotions of the child need to be your focus, as she cries. Empathize with her. A tender touch, loving response or a hug go a long way.

Fast reaction may be required and so be prepared.

Good to cry for good reasons. It’s okay to cry when a child feels heavy at heart as crying helps her vent out heavy feelings.

Hope that as your child will mature, things will improve. Nothing is going to last for very long.

Inspire your child as a parent to be strong at heart and face challenges with bravery, whether at home or in school.

Justice and fairness should be kept in mind while dealing with your children. Do it gently.

Keen you should be, in knowing the reasons behind your child’s cry.

Love as they are and show your affection even when they cry.

Mindful of the environment you should be, when they cry.

No changing your stance when it is a reasonable one. Let your no be no and yes be yes.

Observe your child’s behavior when she cries.

Polite and kind words should be used, when you speak to your crying child. Show empathy to your child. Let her know that you understand her and feel her pain.

Question her kindly. An interactive two-way dialogue should be practiced.

Reassure your child that there is hope for a positive change.

Sincerely address the child when she is crying.

Thoughtful you must be, about all possible causes of crying.

Uplift your child’s spirits as a coping strategy.

Valiant you should be and teach your child to be strong and brave, when she is facing a difficult situation.

Warm and receptive, a parent must be at all times.

X-factor in this is your own unique strategy!

You should put yourself your child’s shoes and imagine you are of her age and think about how you’d feel.

Zest and enthusiasm for parenting will help you sail through these issues.



How to deal with Attention-seeking behaviour in children?


By Siyona Varghese


The ability to discriminate between needs and wants is just not developed yet in children between the ages of 3 and 6. As a result, they sometimes act as though they’re attempting to push you away. This can indicate that they are more in need of your help than before. You may be able to assist your child more effectively if you recognize the underlying causes of their attention-seeking behaviour.

The Root Cause

Children want your attention naturally since they rely on adults for stability and care. Although you may want kids to behave well always, given their age and developmental stage they would misbehave sometimes. Note that it is normal and it is also normal for a child to seek attention. It should concern you only if a child’s conduct becomes out of control.  A child my seem out of control for a variety of causes including problems in their upbringing or environment. Their conduct might also be impacted by a brain-based difference.
Here are some helpful strategies for dealing with a child that constantly demands attention:

Reinforce Good behaviour: Rewarding them for good behaviour is the most effective approach to encourage good behaviour. Compliment them on most things, big or small, they do well (1). Compliment them in a way that they understand why you are complimenting. Avoid empty appreciation.

Spend time with your kids: Parents sometimes mistakenly believe that they are spending all of their time taking care of their children because they do chores like washing their clothes, cooking their meals, making their beds, sending them off to school etc. However, while these fundamental activities are wonderful, children need you to play with them and give them direct attention. Children also need to be mentally and emotionally stimulated. Make sure you spend a lot of quality time reading, playing and conversing with your children.

Be Compassionate: Empathy must be used while addressing the issue of unwanted conduct with young children. You don’t have to fully comprehend their behaviour to be empathetic. An understanding touch and a friendly smile go a long way.

It can be an absolute challenge to maintain kindness and empathy when the kids act rude. However, remind yourself that they are only kids. Once you are aware of their developmental maturity, you will be able to better comprehend what they can and cannot handle. 

Explain what is an emergency and what is not: Give your children some guidance on how to distinguish between a real emergency that requires your quick response and something they want but isn’t a top priority. Here’s a simple tip: make sure you have a clear plan that enables your children to communicate when something is actually significant. Children will learn to distinguish between a genuine emergency and someone simply needing your attention by developing a catchphrase they may use in an actual emergency (such as, “code red”).

Communicate: It’s possible that they feel “not good enough” in their academic subjects at school, so they “act up” to mask how they truly feel, which is not good enough. Communicate with them about how you can boost their academic performance or give them more self-assurance in the topics they are finding tough. If necessary, find ways to support them. Discover easy ways to build their confidence, such as talking to their teacher or playing some memory games for a few minutes while driving to school(2). Let them also know under-performance is okay sometimes.

Avoid yelling: When children won’t stop crying or you’re exhausted and at your wit’s end, it can be quite tempting to bring your emotional reactions down to their level. When you feel like you could lose control and snap, try to have a strategy in place for getting away from the situation. If they don’t stop acting up for attention, tell them: “I need to take a 5-minute time-out as you won’t stop crying.” Once you feel calm enough to handle the kids, return to your quiet space and practice some deep breathing and relaxation techniques. If you need a break, ensure the child is left in another adult’s care.

Make sure they don’t feel guilty: Many parents experience chronic fatigue and overwork as a result of juggling the demands of their children, and life in general. As a result, it can be tempting to use our challenges such as a demanding job, an unpleasant encounter with a neighbor, or a disagreement with our partner to guilt our children into acting well. 

But our children shouldn’t be exposed to the problems we adults experience. Kids already feel enough stress and worry on their own; it’s unfair to subject them to more stress. Although it’s okay for them to be aware of how worn out you are, you should avoid discussing all the specific details.

Don’t assume: Many parents panic when their children exhibit attention-seeking habits while in fact, the issue is not a serious one. It’s normal for most children to act out at some point during their development. It doesn’t necessarily imply that they have a problem. Expecting this behaviour in children and responding to it with appropriate consequences will help you educate kids how to behave appropriately when they’re sad or want attention (3).

Bottom line: Children often engage in attention-seeking behaviour. Some young kids behave a certain way because they don’t know how to express their demands in a calmer way. There are various ways of supporting the kids, even if you don’t understand their reasons. 

It is crucial to focus on your relationship with your children as it is one of the most essential ways to meet their requirements. Their cornerstone for living a healthy life will be creating a strong and supportive bond.



How to handle children with ADHD?

how to handle children with ADHD

By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can disturb a child’s ability to pay attention or sit silently at school and, it also can affect relationships with family and other children. Children with ADHD often show behaviors that can be very troublesome to others. Behavior therapy is a treatment option that can benefit in reducing these disruptive behaviors.

Goals of Behaviour Therapy

  • It helps parents to better understand their child’s actions.
  • It teaches parents how to create a structured environment.
  • It encourages positive behaviors and discourages unwanted or negative conduct in the child.

Tips for Parents to Improve Their Child’s Behavior

  • Set a routine: Try to follow the same schedule every day, from the time you wake up to bedtime.
  • Get organized: Encourage your child to set school bags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so that they will be less likely to lose them.
  • Manage distractions: Turn off the TV, limit noise, and provide a clean workspace when your child is doing homework. 
  • Limit choices: To help your child not feel overwhelmed, offer choices with only a few options. For example, have them choose between two outfits/meals/toys.
  • Be clear and specific when you talk with your child: Let your child know you are listening by repeating what you heard them say. Use clear, short instructions when you need them to do something.
  • Help your child plan: Break down big tasks into smaller, shorter steps. For long tasks, start early and take breaks to limit stress.
  • Set Goals and offer praise or rewards: Make sure the goals are genuine and that your child will be able to follow them. It’s important to start with small steps. Identifying positive behaviors and appreciating or rewarding their efforts will strengthen such behavior in a child.
  • Discipline effectively: Instead of scolding, shouting, and engaging in physical abuse, use effective instructions such as removal of related privileges as consequences for the child’s inappropriate behavior. 
  • Create positive opportunities: Children with ADHD may find certain situations stressful. Identifying and encouraging the hidden talents of your child such as academics, sports, art, music, or play—can help to create positive experiences.
  • Provide a healthy lifestyle: Healthy food, lots of physical activity and sufficient sleep are important; they can prevent the progression of ADHD symptoms.
  • Practice good sleep patterns: Numerous issues stem from a lack of sleep; nevertheless, the quality of sleep is more essential than quantity. Poor sleep can harm ADHD, but sufficient sleep can help control energy levels and promote happiness.  

To conclude, children with ADHD might present difficulties for their parents and other caretakers. However, kids with ADHD can succeed and be happy with the correct support. Do not view ADHD as a behavioral issue or as a result of poor parenting. It is a special task with distinct benefits. You must consult a medical professional who is knowledgeable in ADHD in kids, for a personal and accurate diagnosis and treatment. 

Check out Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to get a better understanding.




How to deal with Absent-minded children?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N. 

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological counseling, M.Sc. Psychology


We all have moments when we forget stuff. Some kids, however, seem to forget things all the time. They could struggle to memorise lists, obey orders, and follow directions. Both the child and the adults around them may find this to be quite frustrating. It could feel as though reminders are continuously being given by educators, parents, and other caretakers. We all occasionally forget stuff. However, some kids appear to forget things constantly. They could struggle to memorise lists, follow directions, and follow instructions. This can be quite frustrating for both the child and the people in their close surroundings. Teachers, parents, and other caretakers might feel like they need to remind people of things frequently.

Reasons for forgetfulness

  • Children who are stressed, sleep deprived, or hungry may forget things easily.
  • It’s possible that a child’s memory is still developing and she’s still learning how to remember things.
  • Typically, children’s memories are less vivid than adults’. As a result, children’s memory abilities usually get better over time. Improvement might also be aided by guidance.
  • Although it’s frequent, forgetfulness can have a negative impact on a child’s academic performance and learning abilities. As a result, it’s crucial to support your child in improving her memory.

Tips to help your forgetful child

  • Train your child: Teach your child to be self – reliant by showing him how to properly store his belongings, such as putting shoes on a rack or putting bags on the study table, which will make the child more likely to remember. The child will learn new lessons and retain things around them more easily if their focus is improved.
  • Stimulate your  child’s memory: Simple inquiries help in improving a child’s memory. You could, for example, ask your child, What do you usually do at this hour?
  •  Make a daily schedule: Guide your child to schedule a routine for her everyday activities. The daily schedule can include the activity type and time.
  • Praise your Child: Appreciate or give them rewards when they are not being  forgetful. Positive reinforcement will encourage children not to become forgetful. 
  • Well-Balanced food: Vitamin B-rich foods aid in enhancing a child’s memory. As a result, make sure the child eats healthy fruits and veggies. The child’s memory can be enhanced by eating foods high in omega 3s, such as salmon, tuna, shellfish, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.

Other Memory-strengthening Exercises

  • Buying toys that can train the child’s memory. For example, puzzle games are great for improving a child’s memory. Give children the opportunity to arrange the puzzle into the right shape. 
  • Reading books is one of the best ways to improve children’s memory. You can make your child read her favorite story books. After reading, ask them about the contents of the story they have read. 
  • Studies have proved that clapping hands together improves memory. 
  • Playing games and doing sports such as guessing pictures, random images, etc., improve memory. 


Children can forget things in two ways: normally and abnormally. Tiredness, poor diet, stress, taking certain drugs, and health conditions can all cause a child to become forgetful. Teachers and parents can try to improve their child’s memory by teaching her independence, asking questions to stimulate their memory, setting up a daily schedule, rewarding the child when she is not forgetful, giving her foods containing vitamin B, making her focus on her tasks, encouraging discipline, and buying toys that can train memory and reading. Every parent must be aware of their child’s characteristics and monitor their growth. Parents can handle a child’s regular forgetfulness on their own, but if the child has abnormal forgetfulness, the parents should be on lookout.





My Child is Naughty! What Should I Do?

my child is naughty what should I do?

 – By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel

It is quite natural and normal for any child to be naughty. As a parent we need to be mindful about it and know when and how to react. Here are a few tips to help you handle naughty children when they cross the boundary.

Tips for handling Naughty kids

Reasons behind the behaviour: Stop assuming that they’re misbehaving and discuss with  them about what’s happening in a calm tone. Reason with them and explain what they could have done better.

Screen time: Reduce screen time to make them less cranky and to enhance their sleep quality.

Rules & Guidelines: Ensure your children understand what the rules and guidelines are at home and elsewhere, and what is expected of them.

Be Firm: Do not yield to your kids’ bad attitude. Be firm in your resolve to address their behaviour.

Do not harp: It’s not the children who are bad, but it is their behaviour. So, treat them kindly. In case the children are younger than 4 years of age, do tell them firmly that it is not okay to do so every time they do it, but do not lecture or harp on it. Tell them and redirect them to another activity. Focusing too much on bad behaviour can also reinforce it.

Appreciate them: Appreciate your children when  they do good. This reinforces good behaviour.

Bonding over quality time: Children need your attention and love. Make it an everyday practice to spend quality time together.

Constructive engagement: Make sure your children are engaged in good activities. They are less prone to be naughty when they are occupied in some activities that they enjoy. Ensure they have some independence so they don’t feel constrained.

Tips for handling yourself

 Time Out: If you feel you’ve been pushed over your limits, take time out. Step aside and let another take care of the children. Take time to relax and cool down.

Self Care: Take care of yourself. When you do, you are a better parent.

Reliability: Be dependable, reliable and consistent.

Composure: Remain steadfast and keep a steady composure without throwing a fit despite wanting to.

Remember who the Adult is: Try not to dump your irritation on your kid and try not to vent your anger on your child.

Do not shout: Shouting won’t yield any positive results. When you shout, your children will tune you out. They would listen to the sounds and not to the words.

Your  conduct will be a mirror to your kids’ way of behaving, so ensure your behaviour is something that your children can follow. Try not to be too harsh on your children as this will make them insincere and adamant. Being clear and straightforward with your kids will go a long way in ensuring that they don’t act naughty constantly. Show respect, love and regard towards your children and they will return the same towards you and others.
