What should you keep in mind while raising a 3 year old?

By Dr. Sandhya Pentareddy

These are some important things you should keep in mind while raising a 3-year-old child:

  1. Is the environment safe for your child to play and learn? This includes the people she interacts and places she visits.
  2. Are you encouraging physical activity and playtime to develop gross and fine motor skills?
  3. Are you providing enough exposure and opportunity to your child to learn in the form of a stimulating environment, imaginative play and creative activities? Are you reading books to your child to encourage a love of reading and learning? Are you ensuring the content including story books are appropriate to her age? Provide positive reinforcement and praise the child for their efforts and achievements.
  4. Does your child have enough opportunity to socialize with other children and adults, for positive social interactions?
  5. Have you checked her development against the expected ‘Development and Milestones’ for her age? Remember that would just be a guideline and every child is different. But the milestones help in your understanding of your child’s growth and you may a consult a specialist if you have any concerns.
  6. Is your child trained in Hygiene and Self-care: such as washing hands, brushing teeth, and starting to dress independently?
  7. Is her diet a healthy and balanced one with plenty of fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains? Read more: Nutrition and Meals
  8. Are you promoting good sleeping habits? Establish a consistent routine for sleeping and waking up?
  9. Are you avoiding screen time or at least limiting it and ensuring the content is age-appropriate?
  10. Have you selected a Pre-School for her?
  11. Is she potty trained?
  12. Have you vaccinated her according to the guidelines of her primary health care provider?

The above checklist is a general guideline. Please keep in mind that every child is unique. You may add to the above, depending upon your child’s needs and interests.

Hygiene and Self-Care for Toddlers: Essential Tips Every Parent Should Know


By Siyona Varghese

As a parent, ensuring the hygiene and self-care of your toddler is one of your top priorities. It not only promotes physical health but also plays a crucial role in their overall development. Toddlers are at a stage where they are exploring everything around them and as a result, their immune systems are not fully developed. Therefore, it’s crucial to follow some essential tips to ensure your toddler is healthy and happy.

Diapers: The sooner you stop using diapers, the better it is. You may opt for cloth re-usable diapers which are not super-absorbent so that wetness can be felt leading to the immediate removal of the diaper. Leaving on any kind of diaper on a child too long would result in infections including UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).
Bathing: Bathing your toddler every day is essential to maintain their hygiene. It helps to remove any dirt, sweat or bacteria that may have accumulated on their skin during the day. Bathing also helps to prevent skin infections, rashes and irritation. Ensure that the water temperature is not too hot or too cold and use a mild soap or body wash specifically designed for children. If your child has sensitive skin, you may skip the soap on alternate days.

Oral Hygiene: Oral hygiene is essential for your toddler’s overall health. Encourage your child to brush her teeth twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night before going to bed. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small quantity of fluoride toothpaste, as it helps to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Do not use too much paste. Grain-size may just be sufficient. Avoid sugary foods and drinks as they can cause tooth decay. Avoid sugary toothpastes also.

Hand Washing: Teach your toddler to wash their hands before and after meals, after using the bathroom and after playing outside, with mild soap. Handwashing helps to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Use warm water and soap and make sure your child washes her hands thoroughly, including the backs of her hands, between her fingers and under her nails.

Nail Care: Keep your toddler’s nails short and clean to prevent the accumulation of dirt and bacteria. Long nails can also lead to scratches and cuts, which can easily become infected. Use a baby nail clipper or scissors, and ensure that you trim her nails straight across to prevent ingrown nails.

Skin Care: Toddlers have delicate skin, which is more susceptible to irritation and rashes. Use a mild, fragrance-free soap and lotion to keep their skin clean and moisturized. If your child has eczema or other skin conditions, consult a pediatrician for appropriate treatment.

Hair Care: Wash your toddler’s hair with a gentle shampoo designed for toddlers. Use a soft brush or comb to detangle her hair and avoid using hair accessories that are too tight or can cause scalp irritation.

Clothing and Laundry: Wash your toddler’s clothes, bedding and towels frequently to prevent the accumulation of bacteria, dust mites and other allergens. Use a mild, fragrance-free laundry detergent and avoid using fabric softeners or dryer sheets as they can irritate your child’s skin. Dress your toddler in loose-fitting, comfortable clothes made from breathable fabrics such as cotton.

In conclusion, following these essential hygiene and self-care tips can help to ensure that your toddler stays healthy and happy. It’s essential to be consistent and patient when teaching your child about hygiene and self-care. Encourage them to be independent, but supervise and assist them when necessary. By following these tips, you can help your toddler develop good hygiene habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.


Healthy Meal Planning for Busy Parents: Tips and Tricks


As a busy parent, finding the time to plan and prepare healthy meals can be a real challenge. With a million and one things on your to-do list, it’s easy to resort to fast food or takeout when it comes to mealtime. However, making healthy meals a priority for your family is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Here are some tips and tricks for healthy meal planning for busy Indian parents:

Plan ahead:

The first step in healthy meal planning is to plan ahead. Set aside some time each week to plan out your meals for the week ahead. This will not only save you time in the long run but will also help you make healthier food choices.

When planning your meals, consider what ingredients you already have in your pantry and fridge. This will help you avoid buying unnecessary items and reduce food waste. You can also consider preparing some meals in advance and freezing them for later in the week.

Make a grocery list:

Once you have your meals planned out for the week, make a grocery list of all the ingredients you’ll need. This will help you stay focused when you’re at the grocery store and avoid impulse purchases.

When making your grocery list, try to include a variety of healthy foods from each food group. This can include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Get your family involved:

Getting your family involved in meal planning and preparation can make it more enjoyable and less stressful for everyone. Ask your kids for input on what meals they would like to have during the week and encourage them to help with meal prep.

You can also consider making mealtime a family affair by sitting down together at the table and enjoying your meal as a family. This not only encourages healthy eating habits but also creates a sense of togetherness and bonding.

Use time-saving kitchen tools:

Investing in time-saving kitchen tools can make meal prep a breeze, especially when you’re short on time. A few examples of time-saving kitchen tools include a slow cooker, pressure cooker and food processor.

A slow cooker is great for making hearty soups, stews and casseroles that can cook all day while you’re at work. A pressure cooker can cook meals in a fraction of the time it would take in a regular pot, making it perfect for busy weeknights. And a food processor can save you time chopping and slicing vegetables for recipes.

Cook in batches:

Batch cooking involves making large quantities of a particular meal or ingredient and then freezing it for later use. This can be a real time-saver during the week when you’re short on time and need a quick meal.

Some examples of foods that are great for batch cooking include soups, stews, chili and rice. You can also batch cook ingredients like cooked chicken or roasted vegetables to use in meals throughout the week.

Whenever you are freezing meals, ensure that it is done properly to preserve nutrients and always make sure the food is not spoiled and is fresh while consuming it.

Keep healthy snacks on hand:

When you’re short on time, it’s easy to grab a bag of chips or a candy bar for a quick snack. However, keeping healthy snacks on hand can help you avoid unhealthy choices and keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

Some healthy snack options include fresh fruit, vegetables and hummus, nuts and seeds and yogurt. You can also prepare healthy snacks in advance and store them in the fridge or pantry for easy access.

Embrace leftovers:

Leftovers can be a real lifesaver when you’re short on time. Instead of throwing away leftovers, try to incorporate them into future meals. For example, leftover chicken can be used in a salad or leftover rice can be used in a stir-fry.

You can also consider making double batches of meals and freezing the leftovers for later use. This can save you time and money in the long run.

In conclusion, meal planning is an essential aspect of healthy eating and is particularly important for busy parents. With a little effort and creativity, Indian parents can make nutritious and delicious meals that are quick and easy to prepare. By following these tips and tricks, parents can ensure that their families are getting the nutrients they need to thrive and stay healthy. Planning ahead, stocking up on healthy staples and involving children in meal preparation can all make a significant difference.



What to do if my child is physically less active?

building resistance in kids

By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel


Children who engage in regular physical activity have better blood pressure, body mass index, bone density, overall health, academic performance, mental well-being and self-esteem.

Alternately, online activities and video gaming, for example, time spent sitting in front of the television or playing computer games, are connected to heftiness, metabolic disorder, hypertension and lower scores in psycho-social well-being markers like body satisfaction.

Here are things you can do when you notice your little one to be less active:

  • Consult your pediatrician and rule out any physical issues. This is very important.
  • Get the whole family included in making your kid more active. It is a very rewarding method and helps in getting to know each other too.
  • Encourage your kid and ensure that he builds some sweet memories at play.
  • Provide a protected environment.
  • Be a good example: Children who witness their parents continuously enjoying sports and doing real work are likely to do the same.
  • Assist your kid in learning a new game or participating in other active work.
  • Create guidelines with dos and don’ts.
  • Set aside a few minutes for play every day.

I’ve listed some games for kids between the ages of 3-6 below based on my personal experience.

Most activities should be simple, unstructured and play-based between the ages of three and six, although you can start enrolling your child in somewhat structured exercises. It is important to have a range of moderate to vigorous activities. Watch out for the safety of your child in everything.

  1. Swimming
  2. Skating
  3. Stretch exercises
  4. Bicycle riding
  5. Family games but not online

You can keep adding games while being creative and making sure that everyone is secure. This will primarily benefit your child and help them remember your sportive side.

Happy Parenting!


  1. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-625-x/2019001/article/00003-eng.htm
  2. https://activeforlife.com/best-physical-activities-for-kids-at-every-age/
  3. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/fitness/Pages/Encouraging-Your-Child-to-be-Physically-Active.aspx#:~:text=Play%20with%20your%20children.,%2C%20hike%2C%20or%20bike%20ride.

Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology


Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) occurs most commonly among children and affects children’s behaviour. Children with ADHD have difficulty paying attention and concentrating.  They are also hyperactive.

What factors cause ADHD?

  • The exact cause of ADHD is unknown.
  • There is a combination of factors that cause ADHD, which includes genetic factors, defects in the brain structure and abnormality in brain function such as an imbalance in the level of neurotransmitters.
  • Other risk factors causing ADHD include brain injury, premature delivery (baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy), low birth weight (birth weight less than 2.5kgs) and exposure to environmental risk factors such as lead during pregnancy.

How parents can identify children with ADHD?

If you notice any of the below signs and symptoms in your child, you must go for a proper diagnosis as recommended by the doctor.

Common symptoms include:

A- Acting without thinking

D- Difficulty in focus or concentrating

H- Hyperactive or excessive running, jumping, climbing on everything

D- Disturbing conversation

E- Excessive talking

F- Forgetful

M- Making careless mistakes

R- Restless or difficulty sitting still

Children with Attention-deficit/Hyperactive disorder will have difficulty sitting still, are restless and exhibit disruptive behaviour. There is no cure for ADHD but a combination of therapy and treatment is given to minimise the symptoms and promote the functioning of children. A combination of therapy includes medication, behaviour therapy, psychoeducation or training or a combination of treatments. Behaviour therapy is given as a first line of treatment before trying the medication.

1.Diet Therapy: Diet management includes a well-balanced diet with carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. Children with ADHD should be provided with adequate nutrients to replace the energy loss and for optimum functioning of children. Balanced diet includes

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide energy to the body and mind. The food sources include:

Proteins: protein helps with bodybuilding, brain function and Immunity. The sources of protein-rich foods include:

Minerals: include Iron, magnesium and zinc which helps our body function normally. The food sources include:

Omega 3 fatty acids: Research has shown that there is a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and brain development in children. Omega 3 fatty acid foods help for boosting memory and improve attention span in children. The food sources include:

2.Behaviour therapy:

Behaviour therapy is given to children as a treatment before starting ADHD medications. Healthcare professionals refer parents of children less than 6 years old for training in behaviour therapy because younger children are not mature enough to understand behaviour therapy.

Objectives of Behaviour Therapy:

  • Behaviour therapy includes training parents to identify and encourage right or positive behaviour in their child
  • Giving appreciation or praise or rewards for good behaviour will build self-confidence in children and discourage unwanted behaviour in the child.
  • Behaviour therapy also promotes parent-child relationships or bonding which will reduce the symptoms of ADHD in children.

3.Psycho-education: Parents’ education includes creating awareness or educating parents about ADHD, its causes, symptoms and management which will strengthen the parent-child relationship and promote discipline in children’s behaviour.

The following are suggestions to parents to handle children with ADHD.

Plan: Plan your child’s complicated or bigger tasks into smaller which will arouse interest in the child to do the task

Organize: Organize your child’s daily routine from waking up until bedtime. Making a schedule will reduce stress and confusion and promote discipline in children’s behaviour.

Manage: Manage or reduce daily distractions from TV, Kitchen noise etc to help your child focus and concentrate better on the activity. Reduce or eliminate TV, Phone and devices such as computers.

Communicate: Communicate clearly and specifically. Simple and specific directions will help your child understand and follow.

Reinforce: Provide frequent positive rewards and encouragement to promote self-confidence in children and also will strengthen the appropriate behaviour.

Live a balanced life: Children should be provided with nutritious or healthy foods, adequate sleep, exercise, and physical activity. A balanced lifestyle will promote a child’s physical and mental health.



How to handle children with ADHD?

how to handle children with ADHD

By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can disturb a child’s ability to pay attention or sit silently at school and, it also can affect relationships with family and other children. Children with ADHD often show behaviors that can be very troublesome to others. Behavior therapy is a treatment option that can benefit in reducing these disruptive behaviors.

Goals of Behaviour Therapy

  • It helps parents to better understand their child’s actions.
  • It teaches parents how to create a structured environment.
  • It encourages positive behaviors and discourages unwanted or negative conduct in the child.

Tips for Parents to Improve Their Child’s Behavior

  • Set a routine: Try to follow the same schedule every day, from the time you wake up to bedtime.
  • Get organized: Encourage your child to set school bags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so that they will be less likely to lose them.
  • Manage distractions: Turn off the TV, limit noise, and provide a clean workspace when your child is doing homework. 
  • Limit choices: To help your child not feel overwhelmed, offer choices with only a few options. For example, have them choose between two outfits/meals/toys.
  • Be clear and specific when you talk with your child: Let your child know you are listening by repeating what you heard them say. Use clear, short instructions when you need them to do something.
  • Help your child plan: Break down big tasks into smaller, shorter steps. For long tasks, start early and take breaks to limit stress.
  • Set Goals and offer praise or rewards: Make sure the goals are genuine and that your child will be able to follow them. It’s important to start with small steps. Identifying positive behaviors and appreciating or rewarding their efforts will strengthen such behavior in a child.
  • Discipline effectively: Instead of scolding, shouting, and engaging in physical abuse, use effective instructions such as removal of related privileges as consequences for the child’s inappropriate behavior. 
  • Create positive opportunities: Children with ADHD may find certain situations stressful. Identifying and encouraging the hidden talents of your child such as academics, sports, art, music, or play—can help to create positive experiences.
  • Provide a healthy lifestyle: Healthy food, lots of physical activity and sufficient sleep are important; they can prevent the progression of ADHD symptoms.
  • Practice good sleep patterns: Numerous issues stem from a lack of sleep; nevertheless, the quality of sleep is more essential than quantity. Poor sleep can harm ADHD, but sufficient sleep can help control energy levels and promote happiness.  

To conclude, children with ADHD might present difficulties for their parents and other caretakers. However, kids with ADHD can succeed and be happy with the correct support. Do not view ADHD as a behavioral issue or as a result of poor parenting. It is a special task with distinct benefits. You must consult a medical professional who is knowledgeable in ADHD in kids, for a personal and accurate diagnosis and treatment. 

Check out Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to get a better understanding.



  1. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/behavior-therapy.html
  2. https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/add-vs-adhd#:~:text=Is%20there%20a%20difference%3F,%2C%20or%20ADHD%2C%20combined%20type.
  3. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321621#twenty-one-parenting-tips
  4. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/documents/adhd-behavior-therapy-healthcare-fact-sheet.pdf
  5. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/documents/adhd-behavior-therapy-overview-all-ages.pdf
  6. https://childmind.org/article/help-for-parents-with-adhd/#treatingparents-with-adhd

How to deal with Absent-minded children?


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N. 

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological counseling, M.Sc. Psychology


We all have moments when we forget stuff. Some kids, however, seem to forget things all the time. They could struggle to memorise lists, obey orders, and follow directions. Both the child and the adults around them may find this to be quite frustrating. It could feel as though reminders are continuously being given by educators, parents, and other caretakers. We all occasionally forget stuff. However, some kids appear to forget things constantly. They could struggle to memorise lists, follow directions, and follow instructions. This can be quite frustrating for both the child and the people in their close surroundings. Teachers, parents, and other caretakers might feel like they need to remind people of things frequently.

Reasons for forgetfulness

  • Children who are stressed, sleep deprived, or hungry may forget things easily.
  • It’s possible that a child’s memory is still developing and she’s still learning how to remember things.
  • Typically, children’s memories are less vivid than adults’. As a result, children’s memory abilities usually get better over time. Improvement might also be aided by guidance.
  • Although it’s frequent, forgetfulness can have a negative impact on a child’s academic performance and learning abilities. As a result, it’s crucial to support your child in improving her memory.

Tips to help your forgetful child

  • Train your child: Teach your child to be self – reliant by showing him how to properly store his belongings, such as putting shoes on a rack or putting bags on the study table, which will make the child more likely to remember. The child will learn new lessons and retain things around them more easily if their focus is improved.
  • Stimulate your  child’s memory: Simple inquiries help in improving a child’s memory. You could, for example, ask your child, What do you usually do at this hour?
  •  Make a daily schedule: Guide your child to schedule a routine for her everyday activities. The daily schedule can include the activity type and time.
  • Praise your Child: Appreciate or give them rewards when they are not being  forgetful. Positive reinforcement will encourage children not to become forgetful. 
  • Well-Balanced food: Vitamin B-rich foods aid in enhancing a child’s memory. As a result, make sure the child eats healthy fruits and veggies. The child’s memory can be enhanced by eating foods high in omega 3s, such as salmon, tuna, shellfish, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.

Other Memory-strengthening Exercises

  • Buying toys that can train the child’s memory. For example, puzzle games are great for improving a child’s memory. Give children the opportunity to arrange the puzzle into the right shape. 
  • Reading books is one of the best ways to improve children’s memory. You can make your child read her favorite story books. After reading, ask them about the contents of the story they have read. 
  • Studies have proved that clapping hands together improves memory. 
  • Playing games and doing sports such as guessing pictures, random images, etc., improve memory. 


Children can forget things in two ways: normally and abnormally. Tiredness, poor diet, stress, taking certain drugs, and health conditions can all cause a child to become forgetful. Teachers and parents can try to improve their child’s memory by teaching her independence, asking questions to stimulate their memory, setting up a daily schedule, rewarding the child when she is not forgetful, giving her foods containing vitamin B, making her focus on her tasks, encouraging discipline, and buying toys that can train memory and reading. Every parent must be aware of their child’s characteristics and monitor their growth. Parents can handle a child’s regular forgetfulness on their own, but if the child has abnormal forgetfulness, the parents should be on lookout.


  1. https://fkip.unri.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/2019_OBSESI-Jurnal_Strategy-for-Overcoming-Forgetful-Children.pdf
  2. https://www.additudemag.com/working-memory-exercises-for-children-with-adhd/
  3. https://www.understood.org/en/articles/why-some-kids-are-so-forgetful