What can my 3 year old child do?

Your child’s play, learning, speech, behaviour, and movement provide crucial hints about their development. In the article, the author describes the milestones and activities that are expected of a 3 year old child. The author also lists a few easy tips and activities that can help your child learn and develop.

Among them are:

  1. Encouraging your child to solve her own difficulties with your help. Ask her questions to improve your understanding of the issue. Help her come up with solutions, test one, and repeat if necessary.
  2. Discussing your child’s feelings with him and offer him vocabulary to use in expressing himself. Teach your child to take deep breaths, embrace a beloved toy, or go to a quiet, safe location when he  is unhappy to help him handle anxious feelings.
  3. Establishing a few straightforward guidelines that your child can follow, such as using gentle hands when playing. If he disobeys a rule, demonstrate an alternative to him. If your child later complies with the rule, acknowledge and praise him.

You can read the full article here: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/milestones-3yr.html

What to do if my child is dissatisfied most times?


By Jetson Satya Gospel

If you are dealing with an unhappy child, there is hope. Here are some tips that will guide a young child from being dissatisfied to “Cheerful”.

Teaching a child to be joyful and cheerful, takes practice. This is how you, as a parent, may attempt to find joy with your child or children, especially if they are hard to satisfy.

Emphasize to your kids, that:

  • Feeling every type of emotion is alright.
  • Let your kid know that it’s alright to be dissatisfied for the right reasons.
  • Remind your child that they can be in control of how they feel.
  • Have an open arm to embrace your child always!
  • Laugh out from your heart to generate endorphins (happy hormone).  Teach them to laugh heartily.
  • Initiate positive choices intentionally.
  • Be appreciative.
  • Play “joyful” music.
  • Show your child to reminisce happy moments no matter how big or small.
  • Discuss when your kid calms down.

However, do not pressure them to be happy or satisfied. Be subtle in your approach.

The best thing I personally learned is when I saw my friend take his dissatisfied kid to an orphanage. But you must also be careful to remember that an orphanage or an elders’ home is not a tourist spot to hand out. You ought to directly connect with the hearts of residents there. The troubles shouldn’t be too hard on your child’s emotional state too. With that cautious note, I share how kids can realize personally how blessed they are to have wonderful parents, great clothing, good school to study and lovely friends, and to have all their luxurious needs met time after time. Following the visit to the orphanage, the child’s attitude changed for the better, and she felt utterly content. The visit also developed empathy in her towards the kids at the orphanage.

Happy parenting dear parents!


  1. https://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/discipline/some-kids-really-are-more-difficult-heres-why-it-happens-and-how-to-deal/
  2. https://coffeeandcarpool.com/help-an-unhappy-child-be-happy/

How to Parent a possessive kid?


By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel

Isn’t that sweet when you know that your child is possessive of you? But remember too much honey is going to hurt you. Likewise, we will discuss here ways to handle a possessive kid!

Let me share a few quotes as you ponder this journey of parenting a possessive child.

“If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh,  (Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life)

“You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can’t be both.”
― Nenia Campbell, (Crowned by Fire)

“There are only two mortal sins in the world; one of these is to be cruel and the other is to possess, and they are both destructive of happiness.”
― John Cowper Powys, (A Glastonbury Romance)

Now as you read the quotes I have stated above, it poses a question whether possessiveness is a negative emotion. Yes, it is when it crosses limits. Your three year old may cling to you a lot due to separation anxiety or challenges she faces as normal part of growing. That is natural and I wouldn’t call it possessive. But if you find that your child is too possessive, you may do something about it. So how might you stop the possessive examples in your relationship with your kid? The initial step is to comprehend the reason why your kid opts to participate in a controlling way of behaving, and the subsequent step is to manage the basic sentiments that drive your child toward  abnormal behavior.

The majority of us have some amounts of vulnerability surrounding our comfortable ties. A possessive child is similar. Here are some suggestions for dealing with your possessive child.

  1. Improve your child’s identity by telling them that they are admirable and fine by themselves, alone. Insist that they be reliable and competent. Oppose participating in envious, definitive or punishing ways of behaving
  2. Work towards improving confidence and self-dependence in your child. Don’t withdraw from her. Give her the company and guidance she needs but allow her to do activities independently or with other people.
  3. Acknowledge that these sentiments are from the past experiences
  4. Track down ways of quieting your nervousness
  5. Remove your relationship uneasiness with your kid if any
  6. Put new people and resources into your child’s life
  7. Converse with your child from a grown-up point of view

A few suggestions for parenting a possessive child are provided above. I trust that it would help you walk through a tough terrain and enter green pastures.


  1. https://www.psychalive.org/relationship-possessiveness/
  2. https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/870836-peace-is-every-step-the-path-of-mindfulness-in-everyday-life

What to do if my child is physically less active?

building resistance in kids

By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel


Children who engage in regular physical activity have better blood pressure, body mass index, bone density, overall health, academic performance, mental well-being and self-esteem.

Alternately, online activities and video gaming, for example, time spent sitting in front of the television or playing computer games, are connected to heftiness, metabolic disorder, hypertension and lower scores in psycho-social well-being markers like body satisfaction.

Here are things you can do when you notice your little one to be less active:

  • Consult your pediatrician and rule out any physical issues. This is very important.
  • Get the whole family included in making your kid more active. It is a very rewarding method and helps in getting to know each other too.
  • Encourage your kid and ensure that he builds some sweet memories at play.
  • Provide a protected environment.
  • Be a good example: Children who witness their parents continuously enjoying sports and doing real work are likely to do the same.
  • Assist your kid in learning a new game or participating in other active work.
  • Create guidelines with dos and don’ts.
  • Set aside a few minutes for play every day.

I’ve listed some games for kids between the ages of 3-6 below based on my personal experience.

Most activities should be simple, unstructured and play-based between the ages of three and six, although you can start enrolling your child in somewhat structured exercises. It is important to have a range of moderate to vigorous activities. Watch out for the safety of your child in everything.

  1. Swimming
  2. Skating
  3. Stretch exercises
  4. Bicycle riding
  5. Family games but not online

You can keep adding games while being creative and making sure that everyone is secure. This will primarily benefit your child and help them remember your sportive side.

Happy Parenting!


  1. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-625-x/2019001/article/00003-eng.htm
  2. https://activeforlife.com/best-physical-activities-for-kids-at-every-age/
  3. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/healthy-living/fitness/Pages/Encouraging-Your-Child-to-be-Physically-Active.aspx#:~:text=Play%20with%20your%20children.,%2C%20hike%2C%20or%20bike%20ride.

Should my 3-year-old be in school?


By Siyona Varghese

Children between the ages of three and six have a natural curiosity and enjoy exploring their surroundings. Like tiny sponges, their minds are constantly absorbing and storing information. At this critical age, kids can pick up new ideas that will give them a solid foundation for their future developmental years.

By providing them with the knowledge and skills they need to develop their future, a quality preschool feeds the young brains of its students. Additionally, it cultivates in them a love of studying and gets them ready for their academic journey.

Preschool can benefit parents just as much as it does children. Preschoolers spend roughly 40% or more of their waking hours at home with their parents, which is more time at home compared to any other age group in childhood.

How Can a Preschool Help Your Three-Year-Old?

A wonderful method to get your kid ready for kindergarten is to enroll them in preschool. In addition to giving kids a good start in their education, it also helps them get used to the more academic setting found in kindergarten.

Almost like a practice wheel on a bicycle, preschools are a necessary step that properly balances playtime and learning. Early education ensures greater performance for the student’s present and future. Along with helping them academically, it also helps them develop their personalities and build their self-esteem.

Pre-schooling has the following benefits for your child:

  1. Enhancement of Fine Motor Skills: Your child will be better able to write letters and numbers when she is grows beyond three years old if she starts preschool. The skills and abilities help them in their kindergarten education.
  2. Improved Self-confidence: The development of self-confidence in young children is among the most significant advantages preschool programmes offer. Preschoolers who have the opportunity to socialise with other kids, learn new things and grow more self-assured, which helps them perform better academically and socially throughout their life.
  3. Language acquisition: Any child’s preschool education must include the development of language. Young children are exposed to new words daily in preschool, which aids in vocabulary development. A preschooler’s vocabulary will expand as they learn to form phrases. Young children that participate in preschool programmes also tend to perform better in elementary school.
  4. Preparation for Further Studies: Preparing your three-year-old for kindergarten before they turn into big four-year-olds is one of the most significant advantages. By teaching letters and numbers in preschool, young children are given a head start in developing their communication skills later on. Numerous studies have shown that since preschoolers get early childhood special education with a lifelong learning focus, they typically perform better in elementary school.
  5. Academic Excellence: You want to set your child up for the academic achievement you know they are capable of as a parent. Children who start preschool at age three actually do better once they enter elementary school, according to many parents and educators. You are giving your child a learning foundation they will use throughout their academic career by placing them in preschool.
  6. Social Skills Development: The need for assistance in social skill development in three-year-old toddlers is well known. The first time a child interacts with another child outside of their immediate family is frequently in preschool. Why not acquaint your child with the world in a calming and pleasant setting? Children who attend preschool have stronger emotional intelligence, making it easier for them to handle challenging circumstances and control their negative reactions
  7. Safe, Orderly Environment for Your Child: Preschool gives your three-year-old a safe, secure atmosphere where they’ll feel free to study and develop. For instance, personal safety fundamentals like what to do during a crisis or while encountering strangers are often covered in preschools. Furthermore, the majority of preschool programmes usually encourage good practises like cleaning one’s teeth or washing one’s hands after playing outdoors.
  8. Resuming your Work and Aspirations: It’s not just your toddler who gains from attending preschool. You undoubtedly find yourself thinking about your life before children or doubting whether you will ever have another moment to yourself to pursue your interests or profession. You may spend more time doing the other activities you enjoy by placing your kid in a preschool programme. Imagine going back to work without being concerned about your kids. Write the novel you’ve always wanted to write, finish your degree, or just sit back and relax with some friends over a cup of coffee.
  9. Fueling your kid’s Curious mind: Your child’s mind is like a sponge at age three, ready to suck up all the information. You should give your kids room to explore their surroundings. They start to question everything at this age. similar to the reasons the sky is blue and the birds go southward for the winter. They want to know why the sun rises in the morning and where it vanishes at the end of the day.
  10. Better Parent-Child connection: Preschool still fosters a bond between you and your three-year-old even when you are not with them all day. Your child will quickly find that preschool is enjoyable, despite any initial reluctance. They start to take that fun back with them as a result. You may interact with your child in fresh and interesting ways thanks to the tales they tell, the activities they do, and the learning they share.


Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


By Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology


Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) occurs most commonly among children and affects children’s behaviour. Children with ADHD have difficulty paying attention and concentrating.  They are also hyperactive.

What factors cause ADHD?

  • The exact cause of ADHD is unknown.
  • There is a combination of factors that cause ADHD, which includes genetic factors, defects in the brain structure and abnormality in brain function such as an imbalance in the level of neurotransmitters.
  • Other risk factors causing ADHD include brain injury, premature delivery (baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy), low birth weight (birth weight less than 2.5kgs) and exposure to environmental risk factors such as lead during pregnancy.

How parents can identify children with ADHD?

If you notice any of the below signs and symptoms in your child, you must go for a proper diagnosis as recommended by the doctor.

Common symptoms include:

A- Acting without thinking

D- Difficulty in focus or concentrating

H- Hyperactive or excessive running, jumping, climbing on everything

D- Disturbing conversation

E- Excessive talking

F- Forgetful

M- Making careless mistakes

R- Restless or difficulty sitting still

Children with Attention-deficit/Hyperactive disorder will have difficulty sitting still, are restless and exhibit disruptive behaviour. There is no cure for ADHD but a combination of therapy and treatment is given to minimise the symptoms and promote the functioning of children. A combination of therapy includes medication, behaviour therapy, psychoeducation or training or a combination of treatments. Behaviour therapy is given as a first line of treatment before trying the medication.

1.Diet Therapy: Diet management includes a well-balanced diet with carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. Children with ADHD should be provided with adequate nutrients to replace the energy loss and for optimum functioning of children. Balanced diet includes

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide energy to the body and mind. The food sources include:

Proteins: protein helps with bodybuilding, brain function and Immunity. The sources of protein-rich foods include:

Minerals: include Iron, magnesium and zinc which helps our body function normally. The food sources include:

Omega 3 fatty acids: Research has shown that there is a relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and brain development in children. Omega 3 fatty acid foods help for boosting memory and improve attention span in children. The food sources include:

2.Behaviour therapy:

Behaviour therapy is given to children as a treatment before starting ADHD medications. Healthcare professionals refer parents of children less than 6 years old for training in behaviour therapy because younger children are not mature enough to understand behaviour therapy.

Objectives of Behaviour Therapy:

  • Behaviour therapy includes training parents to identify and encourage right or positive behaviour in their child
  • Giving appreciation or praise or rewards for good behaviour will build self-confidence in children and discourage unwanted behaviour in the child.
  • Behaviour therapy also promotes parent-child relationships or bonding which will reduce the symptoms of ADHD in children.

3.Psycho-education: Parents’ education includes creating awareness or educating parents about ADHD, its causes, symptoms and management which will strengthen the parent-child relationship and promote discipline in children’s behaviour.

The following are suggestions to parents to handle children with ADHD.

Plan: Plan your child’s complicated or bigger tasks into smaller which will arouse interest in the child to do the task

Organize: Organize your child’s daily routine from waking up until bedtime. Making a schedule will reduce stress and confusion and promote discipline in children’s behaviour.

Manage: Manage or reduce daily distractions from TV, Kitchen noise etc to help your child focus and concentrate better on the activity. Reduce or eliminate TV, Phone and devices such as computers.

Communicate: Communicate clearly and specifically. Simple and specific directions will help your child understand and follow.

Reinforce: Provide frequent positive rewards and encouragement to promote self-confidence in children and also will strengthen the appropriate behaviour.

Live a balanced life: Children should be provided with nutritious or healthy foods, adequate sleep, exercise, and physical activity. A balanced lifestyle will promote a child’s physical and mental health.



What should my 3 year old be eating?


It’s crucial to encourage your kids to adopt a positive eating mindset from an early age. By the age of three, kids are less inclined to act defiantly by eating or not eating. The author talks about a few helpful tips that may benefit your kids’ healthy eating.

The author suggests as follows:

  • Recognize and accept strong food preferences
  • Do not urge your child to consume a complete serving of a new meal.
  • Make sure your three-year-old gets a variety of nutrient-dense foods to choose from at every meal.
  • Your three-year-old’s nutrition may be significantly affected by television advertising.

You can read the full article here : https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/toddler/nutrition/Pages/Feeding-and-Nutrition-Your-Three-Year-Old.aspx#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20most%20three%2Dyear,and%20a%20glass%20of%20milk.

How can I make my child eat on her own?


In this article, the author mentions several tips to make your child eat on her own.

Some helpful tips are:

  1. The ability to feed oneself is a vital life skill that fosters a child’s social and emotional development.
  2.  It will be beneficial for your kids to learn how to eat on their own. It is possible if you let them try repeatedly.
  3. Additionally, you can sit down with your toddler and talk about the food she is eating while holding one small piece at a time to show her how to proceed.
  4. Don’t forget to praise your child after she finishes her food in the plate.

To read the full article, please visit: https://raisingchildren.net.au/babies/breastfeeding-bottle-feeding-solids/solids-drinks/learning-to-feed-themselves#:~:text=Cut%20food%20into%20strips%20or,under%20the%20highchair%20or%20table.

Healthy Recipes for your Kids

healthy recipes for kids


Healthy nutrition is crucial for your child’s wellbeing, development, and growth. Children who eat healthily will be less likely to grow up with chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some illnesses. They will also feel better and have more fun in life as a result.

The development of healthy eating habits in children at a young age is crucial since it is an investment in their future. It will ensure that they have a healthier and happier future. Making children eat nutritious foods the way adults do is challenging.

Children must be physically active and consume the correct quantity of nutrients to balance their energy needs in order to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight

In this article, the author mentions a variety of healthy recipes that you can try at home to make your child eat on her own.

You can read the full article here: https://www.tarladalal.com/recipes-for-healthy-kids-342

How can I make my child Independent?


Dr. Dhanalakshmi N.

Ph.D. (N), PG Psychological Counselling, M.Sc. Psychology


Around 3 years of age, children start growing more self-reliant and begin to concentrate more on adults and kids outside the household. They start to explore and ask about the things around them even more. Their interactions with their family and their environment will influence how they think and behave, as well as how they express themselves. During this stage, children should be able to ride a tricycle, be able to dress themselves, play with other children, recall part of a story and sing a song.

How can we encourage independence in pre-schoolers?

Set predictable routines

It can come as a surprise, but fostering independence requires establishing a reliable routine. Even brushing your teeth is a routine because there are several procedures that are constantly performed in the same order: turning on the water, rinsing the toothbrush, applying toothpaste, brushing, rinsing, and drying your hands and mouth. Likewise, going outside requires putting on shoes/slippers, packing a snack and so on.

Let your child choose

Involve your child in deciding what to wear, what to play with, or whom to call. Provide two or three options, and then praise their ability to make a choice.

Let your child help

Children love to help! In addition to building independence, this is a great tool for calming tantrums or redirecting behaviour by giving them a sense of control.

Give your child task or responsibilities

Giving kids responsibilities will encourage cooperation and the growth of empathy. Your child can display appropriate responsibility by performing simple activities like gathering toys or placing laundry in the hamper. In fact, you can incorporate these duties into your regular schedule. For instance, helping load the dishwasher or carrying their plate to the sink might be a part of your child’s mealtime ritual.

Let your child solve problems on her own

Allow your child to attempt difficult tasks and handle minor issues on their own. We frequently blame kids for our tension or frustration. We must allow kids to fall while they are initially learning to crawl or walk. Similar to this, we must allow kids to put their shoes on the wrong foot when they are learning to do so. To move your child on to the next stage, wait until they ask for assistance or make a minor suggestion. Don’t forget to give credit to the effort made.

Nurture free play

Independent and unstructured play is very important for development of creativity, problem-solving and independence. Offer your pre- schooler a variety of art materials such as crayons, markers, chalk, finger paints and building materials/blocks.

Things to say when they work/play

  • Offer verbal feedback, when you are giving positive comments about the qualities that you want to foster in your child and making it more likely these behaviours will happen again.
  • Praise your child’s right behaviour. For example, “Good job building up those blocks!” or, “I’m proud of you for replacing the toys in place.
  • Use reflective speech in order to convey to your child that you are listening and comprehending, For instance, if your kid says, “I constructed a tower,” you can respond, “You made a tower, Wow!”
  • Play and interact in ways that are appropriate. This encourages teamwork by rewarding good behaviour with favourable attention, which is the most effective reward. For instance, when your child constructs a tower, you start stacking blocks as well.
  • Explain the behaviour of your child. This reinforces your child’s constructive play and gets their attention. I notice you drew a rainbow, or we’re building a tower together, these are some possible responses.
  • Show Interest while talking with your child. Your interaction with your child feels warmer and more engaging as a result. You may, for instance, speak in a fun tone, speak with exaggerated emotion, and smile frequently.


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/preschoolers.html#:~:text=They%20will%20become%20more%20independent,ways%20of%20thinking%20and%20moving.
  2. https://childmind.org/article/how-to-build-independence-in-preschoolers/