How to Incorporate More Fruits and Vegetables into Your Child’s Diet


By Siyona Varghese

Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your child’s diet is important for her overall health and well-being. However, it can be challenging to get her to eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

Research has shown that consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can have numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving digestive health and boosting the immune system. However, getting children to eat more fruits and vegetables can be a challenging task, especially for picky eaters. In this article, we will discuss some effective strategies to help you incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your child’s diet.

Set a Good Example

Children learn by observing and imitating their parents’ behavior. Therefore, it is essential to set a good example and consume a variety of fruits and vegetables yourself. Let your children see you eat fruits and vegetables as a snack, in salads or as part of your meals. You can also involve them in meal planning and preparation, allowing them to select the fruits and vegetables they want to eat.

Introduce Fruits and Vegetables Early

Introducing fruits and vegetables early can help children develop a taste for them. Offer your child a variety of fruits and vegetables from an early age and continue to expose her to new ones as she grow. This will help her develop a taste for a variety of fruits and vegetables, making it easier to incorporate them into her diet later on.

Make it Fun

Making fruits and vegetables fun can encourage children to eat more of them. You can do this by cutting them into fun shapes or using them to make fun designs on their plates. You can also encourage them to eat more fruits and vegetables by giving them a reward for trying new ones or making a game out of it.

Offer a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables

Offering a variety of fruits and vegetables can help ensure that your child gets a range of nutrients. Try to offer fruits and vegetables in different colors, as this indicates different nutrients. For example, green vegetables are rich in vitamin K, while orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin A.

Mix Fruits and Vegetables into Other Foods

Mixing fruits and vegetables into other foods is a great way to increase your child’s intake of fruits and vegetables. You can add fruits to breakfast cereals or mix them into yogurt. You can also add vegetables to pasta sauces or soups.

Make Healthy Smoothies and Juices

Smoothies and juices are a great way to get your child to consume more fruits and vegetables. You can make delicious smoothies by blending together fruits, vegetables and yogurt or milk. You can also make fresh juices by juicing fruits and vegetables and serving them as a refreshing drink.

Get Creative with Snacks

Snacks are a great opportunity to sneak in some fruits and vegetables. Instead of offering your child chips or candy, try offering her carrot sticks, apple slices or other fruits and vegetables. You can also offer dips such as hummus or peanut butter to make the snack more appealing.

Serve Fruits and Vegetables First

Serving fruits and vegetables first can help ensure that your child eats them before filling up on other foods. Offer them a small serving of fruits or vegetables before serving the main course, ensuring that she get her daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals.

Limit Unhealthy Foods

Limiting unhealthy foods can encourage your child to eat more fruits and vegetables. Reduce the intake of sugary drinks, candy and processed foods and replace them with healthier options such as fruits and vegetables.

Don’t Force it

Finally, it is important not to force your child to eat fruits and vegetables. This can create a negative association with these foods and make it even harder to incorporate them into their diet. Instead, be patient.

Lastly, it’s critical to set an example for others by modelling good eating behaviours and by fostering a supportive environment during mealtimes. By incorporating fruits and vegetables into your family’s diet on a daily basis, you are trying to prepare your child for a life of health and nutrition and better well being.





Healthy Meal Planning for Busy Parents: Tips and Tricks


As a busy parent, finding the time to plan and prepare healthy meals can be a real challenge. With a million and one things on your to-do list, it’s easy to resort to fast food or takeout when it comes to mealtime. However, making healthy meals a priority for your family is crucial for their overall health and well-being.

Here are some tips and tricks for healthy meal planning for busy Indian parents:

Plan ahead:

The first step in healthy meal planning is to plan ahead. Set aside some time each week to plan out your meals for the week ahead. This will not only save you time in the long run but will also help you make healthier food choices.

When planning your meals, consider what ingredients you already have in your pantry and fridge. This will help you avoid buying unnecessary items and reduce food waste. You can also consider preparing some meals in advance and freezing them for later in the week.

Make a grocery list:

Once you have your meals planned out for the week, make a grocery list of all the ingredients you’ll need. This will help you stay focused when you’re at the grocery store and avoid impulse purchases.

When making your grocery list, try to include a variety of healthy foods from each food group. This can include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Get your family involved:

Getting your family involved in meal planning and preparation can make it more enjoyable and less stressful for everyone. Ask your kids for input on what meals they would like to have during the week and encourage them to help with meal prep.

You can also consider making mealtime a family affair by sitting down together at the table and enjoying your meal as a family. This not only encourages healthy eating habits but also creates a sense of togetherness and bonding.

Use time-saving kitchen tools:

Investing in time-saving kitchen tools can make meal prep a breeze, especially when you’re short on time. A few examples of time-saving kitchen tools include a slow cooker, pressure cooker and food processor.

A slow cooker is great for making hearty soups, stews and casseroles that can cook all day while you’re at work. A pressure cooker can cook meals in a fraction of the time it would take in a regular pot, making it perfect for busy weeknights. And a food processor can save you time chopping and slicing vegetables for recipes.

Cook in batches:

Batch cooking involves making large quantities of a particular meal or ingredient and then freezing it for later use. This can be a real time-saver during the week when you’re short on time and need a quick meal.

Some examples of foods that are great for batch cooking include soups, stews, chili and rice. You can also batch cook ingredients like cooked chicken or roasted vegetables to use in meals throughout the week.

Whenever you are freezing meals, ensure that it is done properly to preserve nutrients and always make sure the food is not spoiled and is fresh while consuming it.

Keep healthy snacks on hand:

When you’re short on time, it’s easy to grab a bag of chips or a candy bar for a quick snack. However, keeping healthy snacks on hand can help you avoid unhealthy choices and keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

Some healthy snack options include fresh fruit, vegetables and hummus, nuts and seeds and yogurt. You can also prepare healthy snacks in advance and store them in the fridge or pantry for easy access.

Embrace leftovers:

Leftovers can be a real lifesaver when you’re short on time. Instead of throwing away leftovers, try to incorporate them into future meals. For example, leftover chicken can be used in a salad or leftover rice can be used in a stir-fry.

You can also consider making double batches of meals and freezing the leftovers for later use. This can save you time and money in the long run.

In conclusion, meal planning is an essential aspect of healthy eating and is particularly important for busy parents. With a little effort and creativity, Indian parents can make nutritious and delicious meals that are quick and easy to prepare. By following these tips and tricks, parents can ensure that their families are getting the nutrients they need to thrive and stay healthy. Planning ahead, stocking up on healthy staples and involving children in meal preparation can all make a significant difference.



What to do if my child is physically less active?

building resistance in kids

By Dr. Jetson Satya Gospel


Children who engage in regular physical activity have better blood pressure, body mass index, bone density, overall health, academic performance, mental well-being and self-esteem.

Alternately, online activities and video gaming, for example, time spent sitting in front of the television or playing computer games, are connected to heftiness, metabolic disorder, hypertension and lower scores in psycho-social well-being markers like body satisfaction.

Here are things you can do when you notice your little one to be less active:

  • Consult your pediatrician and rule out any physical issues. This is very important.
  • Get the whole family included in making your kid more active. It is a very rewarding method and helps in getting to know each other too.
  • Encourage your kid and ensure that he builds some sweet memories at play.
  • Provide a protected environment.
  • Be a good example: Children who witness their parents continuously enjoying sports and doing real work are likely to do the same.
  • Assist your kid in learning a new game or participating in other active work.
  • Create guidelines with dos and don’ts.
  • Set aside a few minutes for play every day.

I’ve listed some games for kids between the ages of 3-6 below based on my personal experience.

Most activities should be simple, unstructured and play-based between the ages of three and six, although you can start enrolling your child in somewhat structured exercises. It is important to have a range of moderate to vigorous activities. Watch out for the safety of your child in everything.

  1. Swimming
  2. Skating
  3. Stretch exercises
  4. Bicycle riding
  5. Family games but not online

You can keep adding games while being creative and making sure that everyone is secure. This will primarily benefit your child and help them remember your sportive side.

Happy Parenting!



What should my 3 year old be eating?


It’s crucial to encourage your kids to adopt a positive eating mindset from an early age. By the age of three, kids are less inclined to act defiantly by eating or not eating. The author talks about a few helpful tips that may benefit your kids’ healthy eating.

The author suggests as follows:

  • Recognize and accept strong food preferences
  • Do not urge your child to consume a complete serving of a new meal.
  • Make sure your three-year-old gets a variety of nutrient-dense foods to choose from at every meal.
  • Your three-year-old’s nutrition may be significantly affected by television advertising.

You can read the full article here :,and%20a%20glass%20of%20milk.

How can I make my child eat on her own?


In this article, the author mentions several tips to make your child eat on her own.

Some helpful tips are:

  1. The ability to feed oneself is a vital life skill that fosters a child’s social and emotional development.
  2.  It will be beneficial for your kids to learn how to eat on their own. It is possible if you let them try repeatedly.
  3. Additionally, you can sit down with your toddler and talk about the food she is eating while holding one small piece at a time to show her how to proceed.
  4. Don’t forget to praise your child after she finishes her food in the plate.

To read the full article, please visit:,under%20the%20highchair%20or%20table.

Healthy Recipes for your Kids

healthy recipes for kids


Healthy nutrition is crucial for your child’s wellbeing, development, and growth. Children who eat healthily will be less likely to grow up with chronic conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some illnesses. They will also feel better and have more fun in life as a result.

The development of healthy eating habits in children at a young age is crucial since it is an investment in their future. It will ensure that they have a healthier and happier future. Making children eat nutritious foods the way adults do is challenging.

Children must be physically active and consume the correct quantity of nutrients to balance their energy needs in order to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight

In this article, the author mentions a variety of healthy recipes that you can try at home to make your child eat on her own.

You can read the full article here:

How to make your child eat vegetables?


In this article the author discusses about the various ways a parent can make their child eat vegetables.

Some of the author’s suggestions are:

  1. Encourage your child to try veggies repeatedly.
  2. Involve her in meal planning to increase her comfort with vegetables.
  3. Use colorful dishes, playful cutlery, and creatively cut veggies to make mealtimes more enjoyable.
  4. Try not to make a big deal out of your child’s decision to not eat their vegetables. Instead, just try again another time.

To read the full article, please visit:


Healthy food for kids


In this article about healthy food for kids, the author explains about various good eating habits and certain basic guidelines for parents too.

Some of them are:

  • Display good eating habits yourself, if you want to ensure that your child eats nutritious food. Remember, children often copy their parents.
  • Your child’s physical health may be greatly improved by cutting down on restaurant visits and resisting the urge to order food online.
  • It would encourage the youngster to make good food choices if she was involved in meal planning and selection.
  • Last but not least, it is crucial to keep in mind that you shouldn’t use food as a reward or bribe.
  • If you do, kids may end up having a poor relationship with eating.

To read the full article, please visit