What should my 3 year old be eating?


It’s crucial to encourage your kids to adopt a positive eating mindset from an early age. By the age of three, kids are less inclined to act defiantly by eating or not eating. The author talks about a few helpful tips that may benefit your kids’ healthy eating.

The author suggests as follows:

  • Recognize and accept strong food preferences
  • Do not urge your child to consume a complete serving of a new meal.
  • Make sure your three-year-old gets a variety of nutrient-dense foods to choose from at every meal.
  • Your three-year-old’s nutrition may be significantly affected by television advertising.

You can read the full article here : https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/toddler/nutrition/Pages/Feeding-and-Nutrition-Your-Three-Year-Old.aspx#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20most%20three%2Dyear,and%20a%20glass%20of%20milk.

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